F5 AS3 Template Generator provide toolsets that generate configmap yaml, which used by automation ecosystem, like F5 CIS.
F5 AS3 Template Generator is written by Java, to use this tool you need Java/Maven installed in your computer and build from source code.
cd as3-perf-benchmark/ && mvn clean install
Once build success, a runnable fat jar as3-perf-benchmark.jar
will come out, Run the fat jar with a configuration file config.json
java -jar as3-perf-benchmark.jar config.json
which the config.json
controls how the AS3 Template be geneated.
Below is a sample of a configuration fileļ¼
"subnet": "",
"memberSubnet": "",
"mode": "CIS_291_AS_336_HUB",
"as3Version": "3.36.0",
"appCount": 5,
"appPerNamespace": 2,
"appImage": "artifactory.dev.example.cn:31345/net-docker-ver-local/bigip-ctlr/f5-demo-app:0221",
"appImageContainerPort": 80,
"namespacePrefix": "bigip-ctlr-ns-",
"isNSPrecreated": true,
"deployFile": "deploy.yaml",
"configmapFile": "cm.yaml"
, CIS_280_AS_330_HUB
, CIS_281_AS_330_HUB
, CIS_20_AS_318_HUB
, `CIS_291_AS_336_HUB3.18.0
, 3.19.0
, 3.20.0
, 3.21.0
, 3.22.0
, 3.23.0
, 3.24.0
, 3.25.0
, 3.30.0
, 3.36.0
For more information refer to https://github.com/cloudadc/as3-configmap-generator
Once the the Generator the Template, use K8S API can load the configmap style Template to K8S, then trigger CIS service post, which this can be used in CIS Auto Ops, https://github.com/cloudadc/as3-configmap-generator/blob/master/kubernetes-loader is a sample for this, which use K8S API via K8S Java SDK
With AS3 Template Generator can generate K8S Deployment, and AS3 Configmap, eg, genetate 150 application, 10 application per namespace, then use the following commands can count the time spend for add 150 services, the time of delete/add one service, the time of POD scale.
kubectl apply -f configmap-filter-tenants/deploy-150-svc.yaml
kubectl apply -f configmap-filter-tenants/cm-150-svc.yaml
// add 151th app and 151th vs and record time spended
kubectl apply -f configmap-filter-tenants/deploy-151-svc.yaml
kubectl apply -f configmap-filter-tenants/cm-151-svc.yaml
// upadate service, then record time
kubectl scale -n cistest149 deploy/app-3 --replicas=2
// delete service from BIG-IP, record time
kubectl apply -f configmap-filter-tenants/cm-150-svc.yaml
// resource release
kubectl scale -n cistest149 deploy/app-3 --replicas=1
The Bash scripts can used to count the time:
STARTTIME=$(date +%s) ; for i in {1..100} ; do tmsh list ltm pool /perftest151/perftest151/* | grep address | wc -l ; ENDTIME=$(date +%s); echo "spend $(($ENDTIME - $STARTTIME)) seconds" ; sleep 3 ; done
The folloing is a results for use AS3 Template Generator to compare the control plane performance of CIS and CIS-C.
As above figures, the CIS-C has around 90% performance improvement.