Submit your projects/creativness!

You can PR to the site’s source code repo which the link is at the footer of the page.

See all Projects See all Creativeness

How to

  1. Git clone the site’s source code repo
  2. Cd the content folder.
    • If you are submiting a full project, pls put it into the Projectsfolder
    • if you are submiting a cool tools or hands on/mini project, then put it into the Creative folder


Pls reference the other sub folders. You just need create a dedicate sub folder for yours. And then :

  1. create a file in it, you can copy from other projects or creatives and modify it.
  2. put a small and good looks picture in the same folder, the picture don not need too big, prefer small, since it is used for list page.
  3. Pls make sure you modify the md file in the top section to reference the correct picture name.
  4. The file name in your own folder must be

Examples for the folders:

├── Creative
│   ├── batchconftools
│   │   ├── batchconfigf5.jpg
│   │   └──
│   └── f5apitest
│       ├── f5apitest.jpg
│       └──
├── Projects
│   ├── bigip-gateway
│   │   ├── bipgw.png
│   │   └──
│   ├── ces
│   │   ├── ces-logo.png
│   │   └──
│   ├── cis-c
│   │   ├── cis-c.png
│   │   └──
│   └── nginx-icmt
│       ├── cis-c.png
│       ├──
│       └── nginx-icmt.png
  1. Commit and push to your own clone repo, then create PR for the upstream repo. I will be noticed once you PRed, I will review and approve ASAP.